AAUW Harrisburg is a winner in the AAUW’s FY24 Five Star Program! The branch attained the Communications & External Relations and Programming stars. This recognition is a testament to the dedication, hard work, and commitment of its branch members to advancing AAUW’s mission of gender equity for women and girls.
AAUW Harrisburg’s 2024-25 Scholarship Winners: This year five scholarships, totaling $8,500, have been awarded to deserving students! Learn more about these wonderful young women at the link above.
AAUW Harrisburg’s 2024 Honorees are: Community Woman of the Year Peggy Grove and Gateway to Equity Award recipient Barbara Barksdale. Read more about these outstanding women in our May 2024 Newsletter.
Welcome to the AAUW Harrisburg (PA) website. We invite you to learn about us. As you navigate this website, you will see information about who we are, membership information, our activities, education and training, community service projects, and scholarship opportunities. We welcome you to join us as we work to enhance the status of women and girls locally and nationally.
Also featured is information about the branch history, programs and events, special interest groups, fundraising projects, advocacy, and leadership training offered through the AAUW national organization.
The Harrisburg branch is celebrated its 100th anniversary in 2021. Events honored our rich history of accomplishments and contributions to the Tri-County area of Dauphin, Cumberland, and Perry counties.
The Harrisburg branch members meet monthly from September to May for a program related to our mission. See the Membership tab if you are interested in more information about meetings or about membership in our branch. See our current newsletter and Facebook page for our latest activities.
AAUW Empowers Women
Our Mission: To advance gender equity for women and girls through research, education, and advocacy. AAUW has been empowering women as individuals and as a community since 1881. For more than 130 years, we have worked together as a grassroots organization to improve the lives of millions of women and their families. See more
AAUW Harrisburg condemns racism. We are committed to building a more just society where everyone, no matter the color of their skin, can live without fear, pursue their life goals, and thrive. Systemic racism is firmly rooted in the U.S., and today’s injustices mirror our shameful history — from police brutality to inequality in educational opportunities to the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on communities of color. Our country needs healing. That healing will only come with justice.
AAUW Harrisburg is committed to fighting for justice and long-term and lasting change and will collaborate with government officials, educators, and community organizations to address racism and inequality in our community. To make a change, we must ACT, identifying ways in which each of us can become anti-racists, from patronizing minority owned businesses to contacting our government leaders. AAUW Harrisburg’s President, Diversity & Inclusion Chair , and Membership Vice Presidents are leading this important effort.