Funds Committee

The Harrisburg AAUW Funds Committee organizes fundraising projects throughout the year. The proceeds are donated to the Educational Opportunity Fund in the form of honoree awards.

Funds Committee Awards

Named Gift Honorees
Branch members are recognized for their leadership and significant commitment of time and talents to our branch. A contribution of $500 is made to the AAUW Educational Opportunity Fund in each of their names. See the list.

Recognition of Outstanding Leaders
The Harrisburg Branch AAUW Funds Committee also selects community and branch leaders for recognition.

Community Woman of the Year
The AAUW Harrisburg Community Woman of the Year award recognizes a non-branch member who embodies the AAUW ideals of service to the educational, social justice, and/or civic needs of our community. See the list.

AAUW Harrisburg’s 2024 Community Woman of the Year is entrepreneur, teacher, activist and philanthropist Peggy Grove. Read more about her in our May 2024 Newsletter.

Gateway to Equity Award
This honors an individual, group or organization that has shown by action and philosophy the promotion of the AAUW mission of equity for women and girls through advocacy, education, philanthropy, and research.  See the list.

Outstanding Branch Member
The Outstanding Branch Member is someone who has consistently participated in branch activities to a noteworthy degree. See the list.

Member Making a Difference Award (new in 2012)
This award honors a branch member who has made a big difference in something important to the branch within the last year. See the list.